Understanding the Business of Business Events: Ken Pereira

Head of Auckland Convention Bureau

Ken on

Understanding the Business of Business Events

In this episode we explore the pioneering strategies that make Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland a magnetic destination for the world's thinkers and doers. We are thrilled to be joined by Ken Pereira, Head of Auckland Convention Bureau, who takes us behind the scenes of orchestrating gatherings that do more than just bring people together. From aligning city aspirations with event strategies to navigating the challenges of a pandemic-hit industry, this episode uncovers the meticulous planning and collaboration needed to generate a reported $100 million economic impact in 2023 alone.

If you're fascinated by the confluence of business, community, and innovation, you don't want to miss this episode:

  • The Catalyst for Stimulating Business Growth
  • Auckland's Economic Impact Through Business Events
  • Looking Beyond the Economic Benefits
  • The Meaning of Meaningful Conferences

When you should talk with us


When you need fresh eyes

If the year ahead just promises more of the same, and you’re not sure what to do next: A pair of fresh eyes can help.

When you need to build trust

If the sales pipe is leaking faster than you can fill it: Building trust with prospects might be the answer.

When you need to accelerate growth

If an opportunity is yours for the taking, but you need extra bandwidth: Get a team ready to kick into action.

When you need creativity in your corner

If you need creative skills and execution to bring your brand or campaign to life: Put creativity in your corner.

When you need More Leads & Conversion

If you need to fill the sales pipe: Leverage our expertise in B2B lead campaigns.

When you need Digital to stand out

If you need a sales person 24/7: Get an exceptional B2B digital experience.